Weeks 1-2

A. Building a profile

The rules are very easy for this exercise and they are as follows:

  1. You have to go up to the board and write down the answers to all of your questions. Make sure to categorize them
  2. You have 30 minutes to ask questions.  Ask questions that you would typically ask someone to learn more about them.  They can be professional or personal in nature
  3. Be creative when asking questions.
  4. Let me know when you have finished asking question by saying something like: That's all the questions that I have for now.  This helps me know you a little bit better.

B. Listening and comprehension exercise: The key secrets of success

Watch and listen to the following video and answer the questions below

  1. How did the speaker come up with the topic of this talk?
  2. List the 8 secrets and explain them
  3. Do you agree with all 8 secrets? Why or why not?
  4. Did anything surprise you? Did you learn something new?
  5. Can you think of any instances in your life when you apply all or several of these key factors to succeed? Maybe to get a job, to run a race, etc. Explain
C. Reading: read aloud in class the following article about office interruptions and we'll discuss it afterwards.  Since the artilce is quite long, I will indicate the paragraphs that you need to read.

D. Video Games Rock!!!!
You thought that video games were really bad for you. Think again!  Watch this fascinating video on the positive effects of video games on your brain. Yes, that's right.  Video games can be good for you unlike you hear on TV.  

For this exercise, please watch the majority of this video making sure to write as many notes as possible about this topic. Then, the task is as follows:
  1. You have been assigned to lead a discussion about this topic in front of parents in your community.  You should spend no less than 2 minutes to explain this topic ensuring to give ample examples to the audience for them to understand it better.
  2. You have been assigned by a group of parents that heard you speak about this topic, to lead a discussion with children between the ages of 9 - 13 about the pros and cons of playing video games.  While you do not want to encourage them to spend too much time playing video games, you want to transmit the message that video games have the potential to enhance the way our brain works.  Give kids good arguments for them to talk to their parents and convince them that video games are not bad for them.  You should spend around 2-3minutes to build your case with kids and get them excited about this new discovery.

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