Weekly Program

Weeks 1 - 2

Oral Expression and Oral Comprehension:
  • Noteworthy news of the day/week/weekend.  Why did it catch your attention?
  • Who are you? Building a profile
  • How does one succeed? We'll give you some pointers (video)
  • Who said video games are bad for you (video)
Reading & Vocabulary: Office interruptions

Weeks 3 - 4

Oral Expression and Oral Comprehension:
  • Noteworthy news of the day/week/weekend.  Why did it catch your attention?
  • Thanksgiving is upon us: What are you grateful for this year?
  • Wisdom: What is it and who has it?
Reading & Vocabulary: Office interruptions

Grammar: Modal verbs

Weeks 5 - 6

Oral Expression and Oral Comprehension:
  • Noteworthy news of the day/week/weekend.  Why did it catch your attention?
  • Barilla: a lesson on how to minimize absenteeism at work
Reading & Vocabulary: Don't let meetings kill your day. 

Grammar: Make vs Do

Pronunciation: Rules of verbs ending in "ed"

Weeks 7 - 9

Oral Expression and Oral Comprehension:
  • Noteworthy news of the day/week/weekend.  Why did it catch your attention?
  • Holiday Season: what did you do, how did it go, where did you go?
Reading & Vocabulary: is France really the king of time off at work?

Grammar: Infinitive and Gerunds

  • Traits - what makes people creative, successful, leaders and entrepreneurs
  • Manifestos: look at two great examples done by two clothing and design companies

Weeks 10 - 13

Oral Expression and Oral Comprehension:
  • Noteworthy news of the day/week/weekend.  Why did it catch your attention?
  • E-Cigarettes and the danger for children - A debate
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Reflexive Pronouns

Reading: NPR News and Companies' profiles

Vocabulary: Manifestos: developing a manifesto for a selected company

Weeks 14 - 16

Oral Expression and Oral Comprehension:
  • Noteworthy news of the day/week/weekend.  Why did it catch your attention?
  • Have you ever done that? VIDEO
  • Hollywood time. Are you ready Mr Critic?
  • What would you do for Montpellier? Let's hear your platform Mr Candidate
  • Present Perfect vs Past Simple
  • Still, Yet and Already
  • Conditionals

Weeks 17 - 20
Oral Expression and Oral Comprehension:
  • Warm up exercise: tell me a story (picture)
  • Video lessons
  • Suffixes: a tool to convert nouns to adjectives
  • Phrasal Verbs and Idioms

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